The Conditioned Mind

What is the conditioned mind ? And when do you call a mind being conditioned ?

A mind that is not in its natural state of being – is a conditioned mind. A mind that is entirely a result of external feedings is a conditioned mind. A mind that is not as per the bearers understanding of the world – is a conditioned mind. Humans have the tendency and capacity to condition their mind in ways that would help them and keep them in good healthy environment. That means a child who knows his best, could condition his mind to match best to a life that he wants – question is does the child really know his best? Or does a child know at all?

Result – un counting few – ones who have lived their lives naturally and did what they thought came very naturally to them and ones who understood their conditioning and could re-condition their minds for their good – REST – all are living with a conditioned mind that is a hard crust of understanding / behavior and beliefs that was pushed into the child’s mind from the external world.

Many people have lived or rather i should say – will live their entire life with this hard conditioning – unknown and unaware of . These are people who are rich, successful (in their own terms or society), famous and even the poor, middle class and et all.

The conditioned mind becomes so much you, that you barely understand or have zero clue of any such conditioning. The way you react to certain situations, the way you treat different people, what you talk, what you eat – oh hell yes – your entire life is a result of your hard conditioning that has happened over the years.

Breaking this hard cocoon that the mind becomes is probably the most difficult task anybody could take.

Without ones self understanding and willingness to get better, the conditioning cannot be given away. There are layers of protection that people carry – ego, fear, attitudes, believes, arrogance, ignorance, narrow mindedness, all these and more masks the conditioned mind.


An Unconditoned Mind – Expands

People who have a bit of self awareness and are willing to break the conditioning are the ones who could Evolve into the Better and are the ones who could live a life of A Bliss.

Unfortunately, today there is a much much larger crowd thats living life in a false belief of there own self and are just sleep walking in their daily doings – Unaware, Unconcerned, Unknown and Uninterrupted. These are the same people who have deviced tools and techniques to torture their own self – unknown and unnoticed.

Today, as the world is, we all need to take initiatives to make our self better, to break the conditioning – for one and all. To break the conditioning and understand the world with more love and compassion, with more beauty and intelligence, with more sense and with more humane.

Most important is to really realize the conditioned mind, without realizing, one cannot -cannot get free from the conditioning. Its like – even to forget – one needs to recall first.

A small attempt to bring this understanding to the larger crowd and to help realize people of their conditioning or to make them better understand their minds – I have compiled some pages for you in my upcoming book – ” The Conditioned Mind ” . The book shall take a deep dive into the world of the conditioned mind and how it happens over years.

The book is unbiased towards any idea or thought coz it comes from a person who has closely observed his own conditioned mind and today is a liberated soul.

The book was never an intention –  doing good and helping others always is.


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