Learn Meditation : step by step : Day 1 – 5

Day 1 to 5:

*** Hope you have already read my article on what to know before starting meditation ? If not please read it before we begin on the beautiful journey together and with so many others . https://lovetravel.co.in/2017/11/14/before-starting-meditation/ ***

Ideal time – early mornings after bath, else anytime during the day . Just don’t miss a day. Play a light melodious music, any that you love. (no song)

Find a clean peaceful space (sunlight recommended) if at home, if in office or any other place, find a quiet place. Do not worry about the surrounding – much, untill you could have a quiet time there for you.

Sit straight somewhere with straight spine. Sit comfortably – anywhere, where you could give next 15 minutes of your day –  just to yourself. Prefer crossed leg, else long legged is OK.

Remember your intention before we start. We repeat this together : “I will have a happy, peaceful, harmonious, joyous and loving life. I will do the best for myself ”

Gently close your eyes and do as follows:

{ “I AM HEALING” . On a count of 4 breathe in(feel your breath) and on a count of 6 breathe out(Relax your body and mind) – Repeat 5 times and on every breath out – relax and settle down more .Settle to your normal breathing pace and let your mind relax. For the next 10-15 minutes just sit calmly. DONT think to control anything. Let mind do its job. Use your imagination and visualization to keep calm. } (Open eyes gently and observe your surrounding every time)

Repeat the above for the next 5 days, without a miss.

** Note down your experiences everyday. Share in the group or me **

(( ****This article is for a group of friends whom i am guiding personally. Incase you have come across this article and would be interested to connect – Whatsapp me @7507919018 ))




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