Meditation : Day 5 – 10

A hearty thanks and immense love to all of you. Now that we have gone through the first 5 days of meditation ( , we take a step more to come closer to our Being and our inner Self.

Before we take the next leap, we take a small look back to the 5 days.

  • So why the first 5 days of just letting your thoughts come ?
  1. For beginners and people who are trying to get into meditation practice, the urgency and importance of doing meditation should be crystal clear. Lot of people fail to continue meditation for many reasons, one being thinking that its not time for them to start meditation OR they don’t understand the urgency to start doing it. By just sitting quietly or meditating without much trying, people just cannot concentrate or get confused. They could see the chaos or plethora of thoughts thats running in their mind – and Yes this is a clear understanding(should be) to start meditation.
  2. Another reasons for people to not do meditation is because they are impatient. The first 5 days is primarily to make you sit everyday. This is majorly to build the patience that is needed to even try to start meditation. A regular routine is a MUST for any practitioner to get the benefits of meditation.
  3. For beginners or people who have never tried meditation, using imagination, thinking something beautiful or even just sitting with closed eyes prepares one(mind) for something new.
  4. The first 5 days is to make your body, mind and you getting atuned to a new practice.
  5. And the feedbacks and discussion was designed to help all. Its more like a warm up for all for the real game. And i hope we all are there.

Now that we all have seen what and how much of thoughts is carried inside the mind, we begin with a routine which will help us to reduce the thoughts that keep coming and eventually calm  the mind to completely be in Bliss of the moment/s and receive the blessings of this Universe and Cosmos.


The first one is ideal as it creates better energy circle around you else second position showed above is also good. No matter which one – you should be comfortable.

  • As soon as you open your eyes at morning, don’t rush for anything. Be in your lying position and just slowly inhale and exhale. May be a quick short time to feel the early breaths.
  • Get fresh and prepare to sit for your meditation time.
  • Put on a very light and peaceful music (youtube has many) OR sit in complete silence.
  • Sit straight and comfortably with a straight spine. Close your eyes and make your body be completely relaxed. Ask your body and mind to lose and give away any tension it carries.
  • Take some deep breath(3-4) before normalizing your breath. As you settle to your normal breathing pace –  keep your attention and focus on your breathing.
  • As you breathe further – breathe effortlessly – feel the flow of the cool of your breath as u inhale and feel it as you exhale it. Realize that you are in no rush and slowly and gently do the breathing.
  • As you move into more peaceful breathing, sense the awareness of your mind relaxing.
  • Do not control or create any expectation while you are in the process, just breathe naturally.
  • Use your abdomen to breathe in and out(gently). With every breath in, feel the gush of air that u inhale. With every breathe out, feel an emptiness of space in the abdomen (do not push or try if it doesn’t feel so).
  • ANYTIME, if thoughts pop up or mind wanders – just put your focus and attention back to your breathing and continue doing so.
  • Sit for between 15 mins to 30 mins, even more if possible(do not push).

— Before you sleep at night, again do a small quick breathing and feel your breath as you fall into sleep.

— During the entire day of doing, pause when ever and where ever possible to just feel your breath. Even a 1 or a 2 is good. Give 100% to whatever you do – even the most mundane of task(focus on breathing). Share the difference if any.


30 days minimum of regular practice and the difference will be felt. Hence forth you will take the dive all alone, on your own TO EXPLORE THE INNER YOU – Just don’t create any expectation.

We go head with the feedbacks and discussion similar to the first 5 days.

Learn Meditation : step by step : Day 1 – 5

Day 1 to 5:

*** Hope you have already read my article on what to know before starting meditation ? If not please read it before we begin on the beautiful journey together and with so many others . ***

Ideal time – early mornings after bath, else anytime during the day . Just don’t miss a day. Play a light melodious music, any that you love. (no song)

Find a clean peaceful space (sunlight recommended) if at home, if in office or any other place, find a quiet place. Do not worry about the surrounding – much, untill you could have a quiet time there for you.

Sit straight somewhere with straight spine. Sit comfortably – anywhere, where you could give next 15 minutes of your day –  just to yourself. Prefer crossed leg, else long legged is OK.

Remember your intention before we start. We repeat this together : “I will have a happy, peaceful, harmonious, joyous and loving life. I will do the best for myself ”

Gently close your eyes and do as follows:

{ “I AM HEALING” . On a count of 4 breathe in(feel your breath) and on a count of 6 breathe out(Relax your body and mind) – Repeat 5 times and on every breath out – relax and settle down more .Settle to your normal breathing pace and let your mind relax. For the next 10-15 minutes just sit calmly. DONT think to control anything. Let mind do its job. Use your imagination and visualization to keep calm. } (Open eyes gently and observe your surrounding every time)

Repeat the above for the next 5 days, without a miss.

** Note down your experiences everyday. Share in the group or me **

(( ****This article is for a group of friends whom i am guiding personally. Incase you have come across this article and would be interested to connect – Whatsapp me @7507919018 ))




Before starting Meditation

We all know the benefits that meditation carries. This one tool has been working beautifully and effortlessly since ages – as long back as 3000 BCE. The best part about meditation is that – it has no side affects – all that it has is benefits and benefits. Various aspects of meditation helps us relieve mental as well as physical pain and also helps us cope up with lot of ailments.

As I say, knowledge is ample today – everywhere – what at large people miss is the understanding. Knowledge without understanding is like a car without wheels – you could sit inside the body, play with the steering, listen to music – but the very intent of being in a car is lost.

So before we start meditation – its really important to understand – What meditation is ? What happens in the process ? How to get utmost benefit from meditation ?

  1. What is Meditation ? —  Meditation is a tool, a practice that helps us calm our mind. It is a device that helps us to clear the chaos in our mind that is developed over years  – due to external agencies – happenings, past, experiences and also to clear the chaos that is created because of future events – expectations, lot of plannings, desires. In a sense it is tool that brings you closer to your present – it brings you to your NOW – Your ONLY TRUE MOMENT.                                                                          Meditation is a science that helps us better understand the two amazingly super powerful tools – MIND & BODY . Our entire world is an expression of this body and mind and understanding this helps us create experiences that are exactly or even nearer to what we want. Meditation is NOT about disconnecting its about Connecting. The process talks about disconnecting in many places – it is only to connect again. Meditation is the gateway to go WITHIN.
  2. What happens in the process ? —  There are various ways and techniques to meditate. All eventually leading to the one and the same happenings – cleansing mind & body, understanding the connect between – mind, body and soul and preparing to get a tuned to the natural (effortless) flow of the Universe.
  3. How to get utmost benefit from meditation ? — A very crucial and IMPORTANT question. Though the practice or techniques of meditation seems very easy to do – it REALLY ISN’T that easy. To receive an utmost benefit of meditation remember the following points ( sacrosanct) :
  • SET CLEAR INTENTION/s – Understand why you want to meditate ? What is that you are looking to add into your life through meditation ? Keep recalling these intentions again and again.
  • BE DISCIPLINED – Lot of people fail because they cannot or does not bring meditation into a routine, disciplined act. A discipline is a MUST MUST MUST . Once it gets into your routine life – its just a few moments of conscious peace that you practice everyday – Its all that easy and soothing. MAKE IT A HABIT.
  • REFLECTION – Always take small bit of time to reflect onto your meditative time. Best is to have a journal to write about your experience/s. Notice and realize your own experience (What it is doesn’t matter).  DO NOT REACT, just let it flow.176518-The-Brain-Before-And-After-Meditation

NOTE : Sleeping is an unconscious meditation. Creative work is an unconscious meditation. Relaxing is an unconscious meditation. All these moments heals us, makes us joyous and happy – Imagine what experiences could happen when we CONSCIOUSLY MEDITATE. And even more, imagine what transformation could be brought to the world if its done Collectively !!